Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Is It Okay To Dry Hump While Yeast Infection


Controversy dubbing is the order of the day. It is a matter in which neither enter or leave but I think in this case is noteworthy.

adaptations and changes to the script at the time of dubbing occur often and in many cases are necessary, but in a particular scene from the movie directly have changed a sentence, ie by name, in the English dub Spain.

We find ourselves, the appearance of Number Six that accompanies Sarah and four by the institute. Sam appears (very interested in Six) and asks as to what is called Number Six (with dubbing in English) answered: "I have no name" . Well, in the original Six says a name itself says: "I'm Jane Doe."

may be silly but I was struck by the fact that they have passed the sentence, the name she said, by lining ...


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